Sunday, September 30, 2007

return of the working girl


Where do I begin?

Ok, so money. Things were crazy for awhile. I went back to work and that meant finally getting paychecks again. I actually got a bonus check from work that I didn't expect. I can thank my kids for making some fabulous fcat gains and helping Ms. Layendecker pay back the people she owes. I am almost all caught up.

Plans for the new year?

I've begun the application process for National Boards. It is going to be a long and tedious process. Very time-consuming, but if I make it, the pay off will be grand.

Other cool things?

I was nominated for Teacher of the Year at my school. It was really sweet for people to think of me! I doubt I will win, but just being nominated is an honor in my book. Also, my department had more nominations than any other! Yay Language Arts!!

I met an awesome guy online. That is all I'm going to blog about that...for now.

My friends and I are having a blast playing trivia every Wednesday night and having girls night with our favorite doctors every Thursday.

What else?

Screw money. My summer was awesome. See for yourself.


GatorGirlintheCity said...

congrats on the nomination! Sounds like everything is going well for you! I'm buried at work and doing the wedding planning thing. craaazy.

steph said...

it was awesome!!
