Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Why did I only get two paychecks in the mail? I thought I was getting three. Every summer, I've always gotten three. Where is the third one? Seriously, DCPS, this isn't funny.

Until (what I thought was) payday,

Sunday, June 17, 2007

god and stuff

I've decided not to get a job. It is a McD's combo of laziness, lack of motivation and fries. Granted, extra money would be nice...but I really feel like I worked my ass off this year - both teaching and doing my work with the athletic department - so I've decided to try a new venture! In one week, I am going to begin volunteering with First Coast No More Homeless Pets! I'll be working in their office and helping with the spay/neuter hotline. Volunteering will a) get me out of the house b) keep me away from the stores c) help make my city a nicer place and d) get me off the hook with God for not going to church in six weeks. I'm not in the mood for one of her smitings.

Speaking of God, I've also decided to head to my Montreat conference a week early. Those of you who know me, know that Montreat holds the sweetest and most sincere piece of my heart in its mountains. I've been on the planning team for the middle school conference for two years, and our week is finally going to take place this summer! I was planning to go up just for my week, but after much thought, I decided to go and be a small group leader for the high schoolers a week prior. I'll get to see a lot of people whom I miss dearly, and I'll get to visit my favorite place in the whole world. Also...free room and board, three meals a day, plus unlimited access to snacks, internet, and they will reimburse me for travel. How could I say no??

Until payday...it better hurry!

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Well...I did not get the job at Buckle. No shock, and no real disappointment.

I am thinking, perhaps I will scrap the whole job issue and throw myself into National Boards preparation instead?? If I apply and get it next year, the following year I can be upwards of $10,000 in bonus money.

What do you think?? Am I just being lazy? Probably. But...it is summer, and there are boys, and the beach, and I for one am just not motivated to work.

Yes, I think I am lazy. I know this will effect the debt situation. Sigh. When will it all just go away?!?!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

retail shmetail

So, I went on a job interview today. Looked well-dressed, but not too well-dressed. (See previous blog about fashion requirements.) Wore high heels, but switched them out for the flip-flops I conveniently hid in my purse until after the interview was over and I was out the door. Ah, Florida.

Interview wasn't too difficult, just your run of the mill questions about availability, previous work experience and such. And you know, it has become apparent that teaching has really given me the opportunity to become a fabulous on-the-spot bullshitter. For instance, my boss might say "So, Ms. L-, what does this diagnostic data in comparison with last year's GPA for student Joe Bob tell you?" to which I would instantly reply, "Let's see...his scores are high, yet his grades are low. Clearly, Joe Bob is in need some organizational strategies in combination with and effort to enhance his intrinsic motivation. I believe he would benefit best in a classroom where differentiated instruction happens daily, so he does not become disengaged and elect to be unsuccessful." Which is a fancy way of saying, Joe Bob is a lazy, hormonal monster. (And has mean parents...who names a kid Joe Bob???)

So, I was a little surprised when the girl doing my interview asked me a question that left me all-a-fluster! We were chatting about previous work experience (she wanted only to know about my full-time work when I was in school, not the my current career) when she says, "So. You don't have any retail experience."

Well, duh.

Thus, I began to panic. How is it possible that I, Captain Overachiever of the Super Success Squad, did not prepare an explanation to compensate for my obvious lack of t-shirt folding capabilities?!?!

Naturally, I bust out with something idiotic. Teaching hasn't been able to help me this oral issue yet.

"Well, no. I do not have retail experience. But I have a college degree."

As if this matters to someone looking to hire a person to run a register, open dressing rooms, and sell jeans. For what I doubt pays more than $7.50 an hour.

Oh well. Tomorrow, on advice from good friend Steph, I will call Sylvan. A place where my education-lingo-twisting will prove much more useful.

Until payday,

p.s. HEY - where is my Capt. Overachiever cape?? I have held this position my entire life, yet, no cape. Or fancy underwear to wear as outerwear. Ripoff.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Saturday, June 2, 2007

resumes and pantyhose

I have an interview at Buckle this coming Tuesday. I haven't had a job interview in a long time! The last time I interviewed anywhere was straight out of college, looking for teaching jobs in 04. I am also a bit intimidated by the company's website statement: "The Buckle is looking for enthusiastic, ambitious individuals who possess a flair for fashion and strong communication skills to become sales teammates."

Am I enthusiastic? Yes. Ambitious? Yes. A strong communicator? Yes.

But do I posess a flair for fashion????

Don't get me wrong. This is not "I don't have to the cool clothes" high school syndrome part deux. I know I have my own style. I am not going to try and describe it...I just know I wear things I like. I just don't know if I wear this stores particular style. Which is good for the budget - I won't be tempted to use the employee discount to any extreme. But they do sell some kick ass jeans. Also, what can I wear to my interview that will illustrate my flair for fashion??

I hope I am not thinking this much over something that will pay my only $6.50 an hour.

Until payday,

Friday, June 1, 2007


Well....I didn't buy any clothes in the month of May! I resisted every temptation. I avoided every sale. I drove past my favorite stores. I...


I went shopping today.

Technically, it is June 1st. I just could not resist any longer. I did set some boundaries, though. I told myself I couldn't spend more than $50. I went to ROSS (which I usually avoid, because I don't like digging through the racks) and spend $40.27 on two shirts, one pair of jeans and a dress. I figured $40 on five things I will definitely wear more than once isn't too bad.

Yes, it is $40 I could have paid on my credit card. Yes, it is $40 further away from my goal of paying down my debt.

But the dress is really, really cute.

Until payday,

To-Do List

Being out of work for two months (occupation hazard) leaves lots of free time. Here is what I plan to do today:

  1. Post Office. MUST mail the modem back to Internet company that had horrible service and was useless. Also, need to fill out change of address form...for some reason, my parents keep getting my mail!
  2. Bank. Need to deposit tax return check that has been burning a hole in my pocket.
  3. Mall. Fill out applications for jobs that I never had as a teenager but always wanted.
  4. Goodwill. Check and see if they have any cheap kitchen table and/or chairs...it's been a year since I've lived in my house and am still without seating in that room.
  5. Eyebrow wax. Going out with my girls tonight, and I can't exactly execute the "look up, look down, aim" technique of tempting a man with two caterpillars on my forehead. It's a $7 indulgence this working girl can't give up.
  6. Laundry. The cat almost suffocated herself in the dirty clothes pile this morning.
  7. Vacuum. Summer = dog shedding = my carpet going from tan to black.
  8. Gas station. Crying at the pump for paying over $3 a gallon is imminent.
  9. Grocery store. Yea! Got $5 off Publix coupon in the mail yesterday. Perfect timing.
  10. Shave. Hairy legs are so last season.

Until payday,