There is nothing better than walking around an outdoor fest, watching kids scramble between the tents and dogs panting in the shade. You've got your $5 homemade lemonade in one hand and your hot Latin Lover's hand in the other. The afternoon provides much needed time to stare at art you can't afford and eavesdrop on the conversations of those who can.
Don't MLL and I look adorable at the San Marco art festival?
We were rekindling the moment of when we first met, which also happened to be the first outdoor festival MLL ever attended! Of course, that was back when all MLL wanted was to get in my pants. It is, as he puts it, before he knew me and discovered he wanted more than what was in said pants. It also happens to be one of my favorite festivals, the Riverside Wine Fest. I think the wine-tasting somewhat affected the pants-desiring and then pants-denying.
Seeing that MLL had already popped his festival cherry, I took him to an art festival this weekend.
The San Marco Art Fest marks the coming of north Florida's fabulous outdoor festival season...
There's the Greater Atlantic Seafood Fest and Much Ado about Books in March, followed by Sprining the Blues in April, World of Nations, Fernandina Shrimp, Dancin' in the Streets, and Jax Jazz Festival in May, Moonlight Movies and the Screenwriter's Festival in June, a fabulous 4th of July scene at the beach, and the culminating Gay Pride week in August.
I hope this provides MLL with sufficient opportunities to buy me some funnel cake. It will probably help with the whole pants situation.
Great post! Thanks for all the tips on the festivals.
I miss outdoor festivals. Oh, the days of living in the Sunshine State!
You know that you (and what's in those pants of yours) are worth your weight in funnel cakes! Enjoy making YLL work his tail off for a piece of tail! ;)
I'm interested in further details about "Much Ado About Books," please?
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